Keep you photos safe for years to come


If you’re a Mom and you have a smart phone, chances are you have thousands upon thousands of photos of your kids. And maybe a handful of your husband. You’ve done an amazing job of capturing the moments, ages, and stages of your kids. Now what in the world do you do with them?? Let’s talk how to store you photos so they’ll always be there when you want to take a walk down memory lane.

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First and foremost, get your pictures off your phone! How many times have you filed up your storage space with pictures, gotten a new phone, kept your old one so you could get the photos off it later, only to find said phone 3 years later in your junk drawer?? And by that time, you’ve totally forgotten what’s even on there AND lost the charger for it so it’s just a totally lost cause. Anyone else had this happen? No? Just me then? Well, if it is just me, then learn from my mistakes and read on to know how to keep your photos safe for years to come.

We live in a digital age, no doubt about that. So when it comes to digital photos, it’s essential that we keep our content organized and protected so it doesn’t just become another junk pile we avoid. There are so many cloud programs now, that would be my first recommendation for storing photos. Whether you use Google Drive, iCloud, or Amazon photo storage, just get something that works for your family and your budget. I have all my personal and professional images stored on iCloud and I love the security I have on knowing where everything is.

My second recommendation, and also a practice I follow myself, is getting an external hard drive. Back in my day, external storage was super expensive and super bulky. Fast forward a million years and you can get tons of storage for really affordable prices. You may be wondering why I keep the same stuff in two places. Back up plans. If there’s a fire, I’ll be glad my photos are on the cloud. If the cloud dies, I’ll be glad I have the hard drive. I’ll link the exact hard drive I use if you need a recommendation on a good one.

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Ok, but want to know the prettiest and most timeless way to store your photos? Photo Albums. I’ve never been a big scrap book, diy, kind of gal but when it comes to displaying and looking at beautiful family year books? I’m a goner. Family year books aren’t just pretty, they’re legit heirlooms that generations will be thrilled you took the time to make. No matter how technology changes, they will always have those physical pictures to peruse.

And there you have it, you now know how to keep your photos safe for years to come! If you walk away from this blog post remembering only one thing, PLEASE let it be this:


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