Client Questionnaires

Client Questionnaires
You’ve finally booked a client, show up to the shoot ready and prepared, and yet the session feels super awkward.
You don’t know what to talk about and you feel like you’re with a total stranger. And they feel that way too.
Things get worse when you guide your clients through a pose and they tell you Dad broke his neck as a kid and can’t look to that side very well.
Your client feels weird, you feel weird, and there goes your return clients or any future referrals.
We can save your session! These questionnaires are designed to help you know your clients better, clarify expectations, and prepare you for any unique circumstances the clients may be dealing with.
Amaze your clients and then know exactly what to put in your blog and wow them even more.
• Newborn Questionnaire
• Family Session Questionnaire
• First Birthday Questionnaire