My Guide for Successfully Posing Families

A family of six dressed in reds and blues sits together in a grassy meadow posed by family photographer, Jacquie Erickson. Family posing guide photographer resources  #jacquieerickson #photoposes #familyphotography #photographerresources

Hey there, photographer friend! 

When you’re photographing families, there are so many unexpected elements to consider. Each family comes with their own dynamics and unique personalities which is part of what makes working with them so fun! It also means that you have to bring your A-game to make sure everyone has a positive experience and that Mom gets the photos of her dreams.

It’s totally normal for some families to have reservations about having their photo taken. You’ll find that oftentimes dad and older don’t always feel confident being in front of the camera. This is where your expertise can change everything! The key to creating special photos is coaching clients into poses that feel natural and photograph well.

I have worked in the photography industry for a long time and I love sharing everything I’ve learned with other creatives. My shop is loaded with tons of educational resources for photographers looking to uplevel their family photography game. I believe that sharing knowledge makes everyone more successful, and I want to be your cheerleader from afar!

In this blog post, I want to give a sneak peek into my 40+ page Family Posing Guide by sharing three of my favorite poses for families. You can find my full guide here! In the guide, I chat about everything you need to know to capture winning portraits for the families you serve, from being prepared to adding variety to working with special circumstances.

Now for a few of my favorite family poses. Let’s dive in!

Picnic Pose

One of my favorite casual poses includes having families sit on a blanket together. Come prepared with a neutral blanket large enough for the size of the family you’re photographing (or ask your clients to bring one). Start with Mom and Dad in the center of the blanket, Dad with his legs in bent front of him, and Mom sitting with her legs to one side and leaning into him. Then situate their kids all around them! I love this pose for smaller families, but it works for any size group!

Group Hug

I love prompting my families to gather for a group hug because it tends to produce some of the most genuine smiles and laughter. When styling each family member, try to go for a loose pyramid-like shape, with mom and dad at the top and kids at the bottom and sides. Encourage everyone to squeeze in really close! This is a really fun one for families with older kids, especially teenagers. 

Standing in a line

One of the keys to capturing authentic family photos is movement! A great way to do that is to have your family line up together and hold hands. To help everyone feel more comfortable, prompt them to swing hands or take a few steps back and forth. Be sure to mix up the order in which each family member is standing so that Mom and Dad are separated by at least one child. You can also capture some stationary poses where everyone is standing still smiling straight into the camera.

To read more about how to direct and add variation to each prompt, check out my Ultimate Photographer’s Guide. I am here to support and guide you as you navigate family photography. For more tips and inspiration, follow along on my Instagram and stay tuned to the blog. Thanks for being here!

A family of five with teenage children stands together laughing in front of a gazebo in the fall. Family posing guide teenage photo posing photographer resources  #jacquieerickson #photoposes #familyphotography #photographerresources

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