The Value of Taking Milestone Photos as Your Kids Grow Up

Four young siblings stand together holding hands in a forest meadow at dusk. Photos of young children capturing memories mom tog course #jacquieerickson #takepicturesofyourkids #momtog #captureeverydaymoments

Before you experience those precious moments with your first newborn baby, it’s hard to understand all the emotions that come with being a mom. From excitement about everything to the future holds to heartbreak that the current phase won’t last forever, you’re left feeling like you need to quickly memorize every last detail of your little one while you can.

Unfortunately, there’s not enough mental space in any mom’s brain to store the details of every moment with your kids. Thankfully, there’s a solution to those feelings! Taking photos of your kids at every stage of their childhood is one of the best ways to remember each moment.

I am a big believer in taking regular family photos (professional photographer here!) but I also understand that there are so many memorable moments that happen outside of the once-a-year scheduled portrait session. You need a way to capture the everyday moments, but you’re not sure how. Sound familiar?

That exact situation is why I created the Mom-tog: From Basic to Blow You Away course. At its core, it teaches moms how to become a mamarazzi (like paparazzi – get it?) for their family and document all the magic that happens in their everyday lives. The goal is to help you get super cute snapshots of your children that they can look back with love on for years to come.

In this blog post, let’s chat about some of my favorite parts about the Mom-tog course.

You can start exactly where you’re at. 

This course does require learning a new skill, which takes time and consistency, but other than that you can start with what you have. There’s no need to go out and buy all new camera gear. If you’ve got a smartphone, you’re all set! The concepts in the course apply to fancy cameras too.

It’s budget-friendly.

I totally understand the demands on your bank account when you’re raising little humans. That’s why this course is jam-packed with 50+ pages of valuable information. I wanted it to be a worthwhile investment that changed the game for moms, and it really is!

You can come back to it anytime.

The Momtog course is available digitally, so you can come back to it whenever you need it. It’s one of those things you’ll probably want to revisit, so save it, print it, and take some notes so you don’t forget anything.

You don’t need any photography experience.

This course breaks down all the technical knowledge that goes into a professional photo in a way that is easy to understand. We chat all about lighting, focus, subject placement, and so much more.

It guides you through common milestones.

We discuss all the major events that you’re going to want to document. This includes things like the hospital photos for your newborn, the first day of school, and seasonal activities like taking photos on Christmas Day, to name a few. There is advice for so many different situations!

We chat all about Editing

I highlight the benefits of editing and how it can enhance your photos. We also break down the basic elements of photo editing and everything that can be adjusted (think exposure, saturation, and contrast!).

There is so much more included in this course, and I am passionate about how big of a difference it makes for families. There is nothing more precious than being able to document the everyday magic of your life, even in the mundane moments. Take this as your sign to start capturing your kids as they really are: the muddy puddles, pretend play, and cheesy grins. It’s something you’ll never regret!

Want to learn more about the Mom-tog course? Check it out here!

Two sisters dressed in pink sit together in a meadow. The older sister is looking at her baby sister. Photos of young children capturing memories mom tog course family photos  #jacquieerickson #takepicturesofyourkids #momtog #captureeverydaymoments

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