The Valentine Family | Golden Blooms in Alpine, Utah

A beautiful family plays in the grassy hills of Utah in a family styled photo shoot. Jacquie Erickson Photography family goals summer family session client attire inspiration ideas and goals neutral client attire inspiration out door family photo sh…

about the session

One of the biggest compliments a photographer can get is when ANOTHER photographer asks you to do their own family’s photos, especially considering this photographer is another FAMILY photographer! Consider me totally and forever flattered.

Jessica Valentine and I met while both our husbands were enrolled in the BYU MBA program in Provo, Utah and we quickly became photographer friends. Her bright personality makes her so easy to be friends with, and because of that, our connection was instant.

Her family’s story has inspired me so much. Her oldest daughter fought cancer at the age of 4, and as a result, their family are now incredible advocates for children’s cancer research. Yet, you’d never know they’d been through something so hard. Their outlook is bright and their work ethic is incredibly strong and driven. It seems impossible someone could be so optimistic after going through something so scary and heartbreaking. Jessica used that experience of cancer with her daughter as an opportunity to remind her to have a special connection with all four of her children, which I think absolutely shines through in these photographs.

Jessica began planning outfits months before our shoot and it totally shows because look how darling her kids look! She even had her kids do a dress rehearsal so they would feel comfortable in their clothes when the day of the shoot actually came. Jessica did everything she could to prepare for the session and then when she and her family arrived, they totally let go and enjoyed themselves! Preparation is key with family photographs!

This location was at one of my favorites at Lambart Park in Alpine, Utah. We had so much SPACE and it was perfect for both her boys and girls. The boys were able to get out all their energy by pretending to be Avengers and chase after bad guys. We played a game where the boys had to freeze for a smile and “act natural” so they could sneak up on the bad guys. They could leave their poses and go get their bad guys when I signaled them to “Move! Move! Move!”

Meanwhile, the sweet girls were able to beautifully and sweetly pick wildflowers. What stood out during this shoot is how Jessica was totally fine with her oldest daughter holding onto that golden bloom the whole time. Sometimes moms can get stressed about their images looking perfect, but that can stifle your precious kid’s personality. Allowing your kids to hold their favorite toy, a stick they find, or even letting them have dirt on their pants lets their experience be fun and personal. Plus, they’re much more likely to cooperate and eventually hide those things if we don’t make it a big deal.

When I think back to this shoot, I can’t help but smile at how fun it was. Jessica and her husband laughed so easily with their kids and they all had so much fun playing together. I love when my photographers are able to radiate the emotions felt during a shoot and I think these do just that. They radiate love, joy, and safety, which is what we all felt that day!

fast facts

My favorite Northern Utah location in Alpine, Utah at Lambart Park.

The golden flowers were in full bloom and so gorgeous!

We found a fun superhero game to play with the boys to get them to cooperate with the photos. I’ll have to remember that for future sessions.

Jessica is a fellow photographer and I was so honored she asked me to do her family portraits!

Four adorably chubby cheeked kids sit in the grass in a bright summer photo shoot session by Jacquie Erickson Photography. Summer photo shoot inspiration ideas and goals outdoor photo shoot inspiration children’s photo shoot attire inspiration child…
A father and his sons show off their muscles in an adorable family session in the hills of Utah. Jacquie Erickson Photography summer session inspiration ideas and goals young family poses boys pose inspiration neutral client attire inspiration for m…
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