The Young Family | Fun Family Session in Peachtree City, GA

An adorable little boy reaches for the peach colored flowers in a beautiful family session in Peachtree City, Georgia. Family session goals outdoor family sessions toddler pose inspiration ideas and goals professional family photographer Georgia pho…

about the session

If I could pick my ideal clients, these two would be it. The Youngs are some of the best people! Shelley and Josh actually drove over an hour to meet me in Peachtree City for this shoot. It was so awesome of them!

Shelley and Josh have been married for a few years. He’s in the army, currently stationed in Columbus GA and she runs her own social media marketing company. These two are brilliant and brave. Shelley has always had a talent for being able to see what’s real. She’s genuine, supportive, and so smart. Water seeks its own level, so it’s no surprise Josh is equally brilliant and talented. And then enter Greyson. That little sweetheart will win over anyone with his big, bright smile and his loving eyes. That little one year old could melt the coldest hearts just by taking their hand and exploring the world with them. I loved getting to know the Young’s!

We took the Young’s pictures at the Line Creek Nature Area in Fayette County. This was actually my first time to this location, and it was more than I could’ve asked for. It has flower lined paths and neighbors a tree surrounded lake so it gives tons of variety. It was so gorgeous... I will definitely be back to Peachtree City for this!

One thing that I loved was that their whole family had so much spunk. They just radiated joy! It’s so fun to capture personalities like that. You could tell that their son, Greyson, is totally adored by his parents, and they totally adore him back. Despite it being super hot and humid (it is Georgia, afterall!) we had a really great time. Shelley just wanted me to capture the real moments. She didn’t care if it was perfect light (which it was) or looked stunning (which it did), she just wanted photos of Josh & Greyson being themselves.

fast facts

I’ve never been to this little gem in Peachtree City, and it totally blew me away! It was so gorgeous, especially for family photos.

The Youngs are rockstars! They drove quite a ways to our photo location and I’m so glad they did!

Line Creek Nature Area has tons of flower-lined paths for photos.

The weather was so humid, but that’s late summer in Georiga!

Beautiful blue eyed little boy holds his parents hands in Fayette County’s Line Creek Nature Area in Peachtree, Georgia. Fun family session family pose inspiration close up family photo shoot inspiration ideas and goals go to photo shoot location be…
A mother and father swing their little boy in beautiful family session in Fayette Counties Line Creek Nature Area. Go to photo shoot location for Jacquie Erickson Photography  beautiful outdoor photo shoot location Peachtree City, Georgia playful fa…
Mother and father kiss as their little boy looks at the camera in a beautiful outdoor family session in Line Creek Nature Area in Peachtree City, Georgia. Jacquie Erickson Photography professional family photographer Georgia photographer family pose…

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