The Ripptoe Family | Fall Fields & Golden Light


about the session

I’m so excited to share another session with the Ripptoe family! In the spring we did a shoot together at Seneca State Park. This time around, we took advantage of the fall beauty at Gambrill Mill in Urbana, Maryland.

This park is one of my go-to’s for photos because it is beautiful in every season. This session took place after a few weeks of rain and I knew that Gambrill would still be a great location, without us needing to worry about muddy paths. We shot a few weeks before peak foliage, but the tall grass and golden light were still absolutely perfect for the fall photos Kristen was hoping for.

I love when clients come back to me for another photoshoot, especially just a few months after our last session together! It’s fun for me to get to see families growing up and it’s an honor that I’m the one trusted to capture special memories for them. Kristen and John are such fun and loving parents, and their little Henry is so adorable! His confidence is truly a testament to how much his parents love him and encourage him. It’s only been six months since our last shoot together and it’s like he’s a whole new kid!

As a family, they love exploring the Frederick area and finding ways to entertain themselves and Henry. They love to go on family walks, so this session was like a regular family outing (with an added photographer, of course! Ha!).

My absolute favorite part of being a photographer is getting to hear from my clients after I deliver their galleries. When I emailed the images to Kristen, she excitedly emailed me about how much they loved their images. She told me they arrived on a particularly hard mom day (been there!) and looking through the gallery at how I saw Henry made her so happy. That is the sweetest feedback and explains exactly why I do what I do. Motherhood is a wild ride and some days everything feels hard. But documenting special moments that you can look back on forever really helps you to see that you’re doing a great job raising happy, beautiful kids.

Thanks again for trusting me with another photoshoot, Ripptoe Family! I can’t wait until we can shoot together again.

fast facts

Gambrill Mill is one of my favorite photo spots. It’s perfect in every season!

It’s been six months since I last shot with the Ripptoes and it was so fun to see how much little Henry grew since the spring.

Capturing special family memories is my very favorite part of being a photographer.

Jacquie Erickson Photography a professional Maryland family photographer captures a shot of a blue-eyed baby boy in a fall sweater smiling. fall baby outfit ideas baby boy with big eyes bear sweaters east coast photographers #jacquiericksonphotograph

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