The Crichton Family | Golden Fall at Red Rock Wilderness Park


about the session

Meet the Crichton family! We met up at the Red Rock Wilderness Park in Leesburg, Virginia. I have to be honest, I had NO idea how popular this park was until I arrived and saw at least four other photographers there leading their clients around. It’s never a bad thing to stumble into a photography hot-spot, but it definitely makes the task of finding a spot without other groups a little more challenging. I noticed most of the other photographers were hanging around the old farmhouse and its incredible stonework. While I’m sure it would have made for some stunning photos, I don’t like to make my clients with kids wait around for anything. So the Crichtons and I found this beautiful, golden light-soaked spot and set up camp!

This park is so popular for a reason! It is so easy to get to, has ample parking, and is great for families who don’t want to trek around a huge area to take their photos. I highly recommend it to all my area photographer friends.

Now on to the family! Katrina and Matt and such a chill and steady couple. And it’s obvious that their daughter Hallie completely adores them both. Katrina and Hallie have such a sweet mother-daughter bond. Hallie is a very busy and friendly little girl who definitely would have rather explored the park than being held still. I love seeing how curious toddlers are about the world around them and I hope I captured her spirit well in these photos!

We actually had to reschedule this session three times because of Covid and the weather. It seemed like the universe was really working against us, but we were finally able to meet up and the Crichton family was so flexible! Katrina knew she wanted me to take her family photos after I worked with a friend of hers -- what an enormous compliment! I really appreciate it when happy clients pass my name along to their friends and family. 

I’m so glad we made this session work, and I hope to be able to work with this cute family again in the future!

fast facts

Flexible clients are my favorite clients! It seemed like everything was working against us to take these photos, but the Crichton family were so willing to accommodate the changes.

Pro tip: letting your kids play with a stuffy or leaf is a great way to keep them focused and happy during a photo session.

A dad in a checkered fall button-up shirt throws his young daughter in the air as she throws fall leaves in Virginia by Jacquie Erickson Photography. fall colorful button-up dad throws daughter toddler daughter #jacquiericksonphotography #jacquieeric

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