The George Family | Golden Light Utah Fall Family Photos

A beautiful couple hold their adorable daughter in a Golden light family photo shoot by professional family photographer Jacquie Erickson Photography. Fall family photo shoot outdoor family photo shoot inspiration ideas and goals family attire inspi…

about the session

This is adorable family is the George family and some of my past neighbors! Quickly after Yvette moved in we became dear friends with so many days watching our kids play, going on lunch dates, late-night swig runs, and Bachelor viewing parties. I honestly haven’t really let myself process the fact that we’re not neighbors anymore, so I was so happy to photograph their family and reunite with some of my favorite neighbors!

When Yvette and Dan moved in a couple of houses down from me, I was so thrilled. I had become really good friends with the family that lived there before and I was so nervous about who the new owners were going to be. What a blessing when this adorable family showed up! My boys quickly fell in love with their little Autumn, which is no surprise because just look at her! She is so adorable!

The photoshoot took place at my go-to location when I need something easy to find, Lambert Park, in Alpine, Utah. Yet again, it did not disappoint. The lighting for this session was so golden and dreamy. I was loving it!

This session is a great example of not pushing your kids to perform. The George’s literally got home from a road trip to Vegas a couple of hours before our shoot, went home and changed, and came to take photos. Since Autumn had been in the car for over 6 hours before we started taking photos, the last thing she felt like doing was performing. We quickly got some photos that are more traditional so that they’d have something for the Christmas card and then moved right into playing and exploring. Once we moved on to that, Autumn was so happy. Because we didn’t push her to do more than she wanted to, we were able to get some really fun and playful photos.

Yvette and Dan had one son before Autumn who passed away as an infant, Grayson. I really wanted to remember him, especially when I saw Yvette’s necklace with the “G” on it. It was a sweet moment for us to pause and focus on his little life.

I sure love this family and photographing them was full of many fun and sweet moments!

fast facts

The lighting for this shoot was pure gold, pun intended!

This family is very near and dear to my heart. It was so fun to reunite with my past neighbors!

We were very patient with the little one and let her get comfortable, leading to the most adorable and playful photos. Patience gets the best photos!

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