Welcoming Baby Elyse Home with a Lifestyle Newborn Session

Candid family portrait with a newborn baby and big sister by Jacquie Erickson Photography. candid family portraits #JacquieEricksonPhotography #JacquieEricksonNewborn #newbornportraits #newbornsession #portraits #sisters #babygirl

about the session

I love so many parts of my job, but photographing an in-home newborn session for a return client may take the cake. It’s so special to be able to capture those first few moments with a new addition to the family. I took family photos for the Crichtons a while back at Red Rock Wilderness Park, so I was thrilled to connect with them again to celebrate the arrival of their new baby, Elise.

We took the Crichton’s photos in Fairfax, which is one of the most sought-after areas outside of DC. After traveling here, it was easy to see why! Their neighborhood was so idyllic with its sidewalks, playgrounds, running paths, and family-filled homes. I love photographing newborns in their own homes because it’s the place where all those first moments are happening. You’re getting to know that new person there. Taking the pictures in the living room gave us the chance to wrangle in big sister and let her be playful without restricting her. 

It took Hallie a little bit of time to feel comfortable around me and that’s totally fine and to be expected! We focused on just having the family play together, letting Hallie play with me as she felt comfortable, slowly easing her into photos, and letting her act as she wanted. Was her bum facing me most of the time? YES! And that’s ok! When we let Hallie be herself, we were able to capture the family as themselves - that’s how you get authentic moments that you’ll want to cherish and remember. 

Baby Elyse was an absolute gem. She was so content to just be with her parents, I only heard her squeak once and that was because she pooped lol Katrina and Matt are so calm and really work well together to take care of these girls. Matt even took Hattie to the park for a while while I worked with Mom and Elyse. 

There is no greater compliment than a return client. I loved working with this family because of their calm spirit, and their kindness, and you could tell by the way they interacted with each other that their home is full of lots of love.

fast facts

  • Isn’t baby Elise so precious in her little swaddle? I love a snuggled baby!

  • Katrina is a nutritionist who specializes in working with people who struggle with disordered eating. It’s amazing to see her teach her little ones all she knows!

  • Hallie is such a fun older sister. They already have the sweetest relationship!

  • Fairfax is such a beautiful area! It gets a lot of hype, and I think it’s 100% deserved.

A mother laughs as a little girl drives a car on her head by Jacquie Erickson Photography. family portrait photographer #JacquieEricksonPhotography #JacquieEricksonNewborn #newbornportraits #newbornsession #portraits #sisters #babygirl
Close-up portrait of a father holding his newborn baby girl in his arms by Jacquie Erickson Photography. father and baby #JacquieEricksonPhotography #JacquieEricksonNewborn #newbornportraits #newbornsession #portraits #sisters #babygirl
Jacquie Erickson Photography captures a portrait of a newborn baby girl sleeping while swaddling. swaddled baby portrait #JacquieEricksonPhotography #JacquieEricksonNewborn #newbornportraits #newbornsession #portraits #sisters #babygirl
Jacquie Erickson Photography captures a newborn baby girl portrait with her eyes wide open. northern east coast newborns #JacquieEricksonPhotography #JacquieEricksonNewborn #newbornportraits #newbornsession #portraits #sisters #babygirl

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