Kane Family Photos | Cherry Blossoms at Baker Park

Jacquie Erickson Photography captures this family of four sitting and playing in the grass at Baker Park, Maryland. neutral colored family photo outfit, baker park maryland, cherry blossom springtime family photo session, parents playing with small …

about the session

Aren’t these photos of the Kane family just so adorable? And the Maryland cherry blossoms showed up pretty beautifully too.

Madeline and Koa met at BYU-Idaho Madeline’s second year. They’d connected over their love of Maryland. Koa had served an LDS mission in Baltimore and knew Madeline was from that area. While they’d never talked while he was serving, they clicked quickly and were soon married. They spent their first summers doing summer sales all over the country and five years later, have settled back in Maryland with two kids in tow. Tai is an energetic 3-year-old and Harper is a happy 18-month-old. 

We decided on Baker Park in Frederik, Maryland. It’s a pretty well-known photo spot, but we were lucky to have most of it to ourselves! It’s easy to find parking and as you walk the trails, you’re able to get a variety of locations from really green, to the riverside, to historic downtown. Not to mention in the spring, it’s full of cherry blossoms and the cutest dainty wildflowers. 

When I first met Tai and asked how old he was, he told me he was 45, so I knew we were about to have a really fun session. Madeline and Koa were the perfect tag team of wrangling kids in and just embracing the sheer chaos that can come from parenting young children. Tai was all laughs and energy as he moved from crazy dance moves to crazy faces. Harper was timid at first, but once we warmed up, she gave us some of the sweetest smiles you ever did see. 

This is a great example of just letting your kids be themselves. Rather than trying to make their kids pose and sit still, we embraced the games, imaginings, and stick hunting that the kids really wanted to be doing. From that, we got some really magical shots. I loved working with the Kane family!

fast facts

Everything about this session was gorgeous! Not only are the Kane’s an adorable family, but the Maryland cherry blossoms showed off the entire time.

Baker Park is an ideal photo location in Maryland because it offers a variety of backgrounds. It’s especially gorgeous during springtime!

Taking family photos with young kids can seem overwhelming, but it’s best to just let your little ones be themselves!

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